Monday 25 November 2013


Motivation helps employees to enjoy their work and also to prevent them from getting bored and leave the company. Every company have to motivate their employees or else they won't have an idea why do they have to work hard for a company.Things like bonuses, non-financial benefits can motivate employees.

In the video above, it will show that how the company started and his philosophy of his business. To motivate his employees, he says that since their company has chose to do gaming so they have to be passionate about it therefore it helps them to gain interest and further improve it so on and so fourth. Also employees have to do their part as well like being creative. A product idea comes from individual employees or a combination of ideas but creating the product requires teamwork to do so. If I am one of the employees, I would be motivated because I can enjoy myself at work and bring up further ideas to improve how we play computer games.

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